About two weeks ago, I wanted to get inside the abandoned former Navy Remand Center in my hometown to take photos, so I asked the head of the asociation that is maintaining some of the buildings in the maritime quarter if there was apossibility to get permission. They got back to me really soon. I didn't get permission for the remand center, but instead I was asked if I was interested in participating in an exhibition that is starting this Saturday. And I said yes!
It was not what I'd planned at all, and I've never had my photos displayed anywhere but on the internet, but it was an appealing
proposition, so I said yes.
The task was as follows:
10 amateur photographers take photos of 10 special locations in the maritime qaurter of my hometown and present them for 10 weeks. Every photographer was alloted one location and will be displaying 5 to 10 photos in a room inside the former Navy Technical School in Kiel.
The exhibit will be opening this Saturday, Sept. 6 at 18:00.
Find out more here.
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