"A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure."
(Henry Kissinger)
The fighter control center of the Soviet 6th Guards Fighter Division was a military command bunker built between 1956 and 1958. This monolithic structure with external dimensions of 39 x 13 meters had a usable area of roughly 360 square meters. It was equipped with a 60 kVA emergency power system, a filter ventilation system, a transformer, a control room, water tanks, sanitary facilities, a storage room and an assembly shaft.
Three similar fighter control centers were built at other sites in the former GDR...(more)
This abandoned villa stands next to a factory site that is still in use and belonged to its former owner before the World War II.
During the GDR era, the factory was turned into a VEB (People Owned Enterprise), and the villa was used as administration building.
It has been empty since the reunification. A fire destroyed the roof truss in 2021. The upper floor is no longer accessible. However, there is still a beautiful stained glass window and two staircases worth seeing.....(more)
Published 2025-1-16
This place is not really abandoned, but is nevertheless very interesting. These are the huge antennas of the world's oldest continuously operated broadcasting station. As we still had some time after our visit to the knacker's yard and the station was on the route we still had ahead of us, we decided to make a brief stop here.
We could see the huge antennas from far away, but getting close wasn't easy. Some of the roads leading to the area are blocked by barriers or gates, so we had to drive around a bit until we found a path that led us to one of the antennas......(more)
Lost Place bei Hannover: Überreste von Freizeitpark schlummern auf Reitschulen-Gelände
Verlassene Orte strahlen einen schaurig-schönen Charme aus und ziehen viele Menschen geradezu magisch an. Bei Hannover befindet sich heute eine Pferdeschule – doch wer genauer hinschaut, entdeckt Reste einer vergangenen Zeit.
Vacant: Inside 13 Eerie and Fascinating Abandoned Locations Across America
Vacant: Inside 13 Eerie and Fascinating Abandoned Locations Across America
The Story of These Abandoned Places in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio Is Truly Fascinating
Stanford Road and the Jaite Spur are fascinating abandoned places in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio
Verlassen und verfallen: Dieser Tiergarten in Baden-Württemberg ist heute ein „Lost Place“
In Baden-Württemberg gibt es einen geheimen Ort, an dem nur noch zerfallene Mauern und ein verlassener Käfig an vergangene Zeiten erinnern – ein faszinierender „Lost Place“.