"A grave, wherever found, preaches a short and pithy sermon to the soul."
(Nathaniel Hawthorne)
“Objekt Fasan (Pheasant)” - this was a bunker facility where the regional Stasi (the GDR State Security) leaders would have found shelter in an ‘emergency’ and would have directed all actions from here. Every district of the GDR had such a so-called alternative command center.
The one in the small rural community of Ostrau was built between 1969 and 1973 and consisted of a semi-detached house, a large orchard, a workshop and garage buildings. Underneath was a bunker measuring around 750 square meters. It could have accommodated around 100 employees, including the liaison....(more)
This beautiful abandoned manor house stands alone in a wide open space. Only a few surrounding farm buildings have been renovated over the years and are now home to neighbors.
The last "traditional" owners and occupants of the manor house, which is more of a huge villa, were a noble family from the German region of Anhalt. The villa was built in the 1890s. Aside from that, there is hardly any historical information about the building....(more)
Published 2024-09-11
The last location we explored on our 2019 Christmas tour of Denmark was an abandoned zoological museum. I had been tipped off about this place and told that there wasn't much left to see.
We found the location on a lonely country road in the middle of Denmark. There was one house on each side of the road. As there were no neighbors in the vicinity, we parked directly on site.
We first took a look at the smaller of the two buildings. Hanging out of an open window was a pelt that had probably once belonged to a badger. The door was open so that we could easily enter the house.....(more)
Lost Place: Diese ehemaligen Prunkschlösser sind heute verfallen
Einst prächtige Familiensitze, jetzt verwahrloste Ruinen: In Europa werden einige Schlösser dem Verfall überlassen. Doch die Geschichten hinter den bröckelnden Fassaden ziehen viele Menschen umso mehr in ihren Bann.
I used to explore abandoned places as a kid. When I started exploring them again as an adult, I made a career out of it.
I started exploring abandoned places as an adult; I made it a career and it helped my mental health.
35 Creepy Abandoned Cities and Ghost Towns Around the World
From submerged cities and quiet villages overtaken by nature to eerie haunted islands, these mysterious abandoned cities will give you the chills
Lost Place: Wollseifen zieht Geisterjäger und Historiker an
In Wollseifen ziehen die verwilderten Überreste eines Dorfes Geschichtsinteressierte, Abenteurer und Geisterjäger gleichermaßen an. Dabei steht es auf keiner Karte.