Trespassing Into History

You might say I'm a collector. I collect rare objects. Facts, stories...I travel the roads of Germany seeking its heart.

Featured Photo | July 5, 2024

"Though he should conquer a thousand men on the battlefield a thousand times, yet he, indeed, who would conquer himself is the noblest victor."

(Gautama Buddha)

Abandoned tank on a former military training area in Germany
Abandoned tank on a former military training area in Germany


The Villa at the Edge of Town

Abandoned Villa in Germany

This building, erected at the beginning of the 20th century, was the villa of a miner's lamp manufacturer and farmer and his family.

Built in the Art Nouveau style, the architecturally sophisticated building with its garden and period-style border is unique for the picturesque medium-sized town in eastern Germany on whose outskirts the villa is located.

The façade decoration of the brick and plaster building and some parts of the once prestigious interior have been remarkably well preserved despite the rising vandalism....(more)

The Green School

Abandoned School in Germany

This former school building in Chemnitz in the German state of Saxony has been abandoned since 2004. It is now being renovated and converted. The Professor Reinhold Dahlmann School is a horseshoe-shaped school complex consisting of an old building, an extension wing with a striking entrance tower and the gymnasium and bathroom wing. The façade design is functional and austere, but in a traditionalist style. This can still be seen on the exterior and interior of the building today. Some of the details inside the building are still very well preserved...(more)

Moving Pictures

New Video: Soviet Airfield Wittstock / Lost Place / Urban Exploration | 06/2024


Tour Report: Air-Raid Shelter "Monument"

Published 2024-07-24

Inside the Bismarck Memorial in Hamburg

In December 2019, a good friend asked me if I would like to accompany him on a special excursion to Hamburg that night. His plan was to climb into the world's largest Bismarck memorial to take photos of the air-raid shelters underneath.

Of course, this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

It was planned that the renovation work, which had already been decided upon, would begin only about two months later - and that would probably mean that any further attempt in the future would be futile.

So we set off in the evening. About an hour later, we reached the park where the Bismarck monument has been located since 1906.

We found a parking space nearby and.......(more)

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