Trespassing Into History

You might say I'm a collector. I collect rare objects. Facts, stories...I travel the roads of Germany seeking its heart.

Featured Photo | January 25, 2025

"Winter is not a season, it's a celebration."

(Anamika Mishra)

Abandoned Iron Ore Loading Silo in Germany
Abandoned Iron Ore Loading Silo in Germany


Children's Sanatorium "Helmut Just"

Children's Sanatorium in Bad Frankenhausen, Germany / Kindersanatorium "Helmut Just"

The history of this building goes back to the 1920s, when the head of administration of the health insurance fund (Ersatzkasse) of the trade union federation of employees had a children's sanatorium built on the recommendation of its members. An architectural competition was launched, which was eventually won by Georg Wünschmann with a design in the “New Objectivity” style.


The children's sanatorium was built on the former vineyard site of the family of honorary citizen Wilhelm Schall (1828 to 1916). The town had acquired the vineyard, parceled it out and sold it to prospective builders.....(more)

Soviet Fighter Control Center M.

Soviet Fighter Control Center Merseburg / Jägerleitstelle Flugplatz Merseburg

The fighter control center of the Soviet 6th Guards Fighter Division was a military command bunker built between 1956 and 1958. This monolithic structure with external dimensions of 39 x 13 meters had a usable area of roughly 360 square meters. It was equipped with a 60 kVA emergency power system, a filter ventilation system, a transformer, a control room, water tanks, sanitary facilities, a storage room and an assembly shaft.


Three similar fighter control centers were built at other sites in the former GDR...(more)

Moving Pictures

New Video: Hard Target - The "Kanonenjagdpanzer" | 08/2024


Tour Report: Nuclear Weapons Depot K.

Published 2025-02-01

Abandoned Nuclear Weapons Depot in Germany

About two weeks after the start of the first CoViD lockdown in March 2020, the ceiling started to fall on our heads. It was time for us to get out again, so we set off.

As it wasn't allowed to leave the state and contact with other people was potentially harmful, we looked for a far-flung location nearby.

Our choice fell on the abandoned American nuclear weapons depot, which we had visited several times in the past - mostly to celebrate New Year's Eve with light painting in one of the large weapons bunkers.

The last time we explored the site in daylight was in May 2013, about seven years earlier.

As every time, we parked next to...(more)

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