Cable Production Factory K.

Originally, this factory was a branch of the largest cable manufacturing company in East Germany. The company itself was founded in 1897, and when the existing porduction facilities became too small, it was decided to expand in a different area of the city.
The buildings we visited were built in 1916.
The production catalogue of the company ranged from high energy cables to telecommunication cables and even radio technology.
After World War II, it was the factory area was inside the Soviet sector and it had initially been decided to deconstruct the

ABandoned Cable Production Factory in Berlin | Kabelwerk Köpenick

whole thing and rebuild it in the Soviet Union as reparation, because the factory had hardly been damaged in the war. Obviously, the building was not deconstructed and sent to the Soviet Union as war reparations, because it is still here.

Two huge factory halls, each about 150 meters long and 80 meters wide with two adjacent office "towers" in the middle. Alongside the halls are the former changing areas for the workers as well as the former social rooms and showers. The towers are surrounded by scaffolding now, and there are a lot of workers around.
It seems that at least the office buildings of the complex are renovated and turned into riverside luxury apartments. The construction workers didn't seem to be bothered by us as we made our way over the field between the river and the factory halls and entered.
The weather was wonderful, and the factory halls were bathed in sunlight.


Visited: February 10, 2014 and June 12, 2018

Location: Undisclosed, Germany


Status: Abandoned / Security Service

GALLERY UPDATE! New Photos added taken on June 12, 2018.

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