Hotel "Porphyrite"

There is not much historical information to be found about this former inn situated in a valley in the Harz Mountains of Germany. It is a half-timbered construction on a massive stone foundation, so it was probably built sometime in the 19th century when tourism in the region was on the incline. In the time of the German sepratation, the inn was used as a recreation home. Apparently, the place was continued as an inn after the reunification and was extensively renovated in the 1990s, although not in a luxurious manner. The inn was closed around 2008, probably after a 

Abandoned hotel in the Harz Mountains in Germany | Verlassenes Gasthaus im Harz

steady decline in guest numbers. According to reviews in many websites, the service was terrible, the food wasn't worth the money, and the hygienic conditions were sub-standard.

The state of the building varies, depending on the part. Some rooms are still well accessible, while some floors are cracking under the steps, and some rooms are beginning to collapse entirely.

GALLERY UPDATE - New photos added taken on May 19, 2018.

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