Knight's Manor N.


In the far East of Germany lies this abandoned manor house whose origins date back as far as the middle of the 14th century when the area was first documented as a knight's estate. The manor house itself was built in the early 17th century, but was redesigned after a fire at the beginning of the 18th century.

The ground floor was constructed out of massive ashlar; the first and second floor have been built in a half-timbered structure. The relatively small entrance hall still has renaisscance ceilings and there still are old doors with the original iron fittings. On the upper floor, there is a baroque stuccoed ceiling, and a corkscrew staircase leads up to the roof.

In the adjacent farm building, there still is a vaulted basement frm the renaissance .

The building has been renovated in the early 1990s, but has been left to decay for some time now.

Abandoned knight's manor from the 17th century

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